Saturday, April 23, 2016

Trump Rants

Revolution can be a scary thing, for everyone involved. Some chilling things came with the Trump campaign for sure, but there was an appeal that I could not dismiss. So I finally stopped taking the media's word for it and decided to go find out for myself whether or not this guy is for real. And after watching the uncensored, uncut speeches of his that were not taken completely out of context, I realized that he is totally right. The final diagnosis is this-- Trump is a true nationalist. "An imperfect messenger carrying a very real message", to quote the New York post. Someone with the money, power, resolve, and fame that it takes to make a difference. The best part?  A guy that has never been a politician either! The only person that will take Hillary on, and that has the guts to expose her for what she really is. Bernie, why will you not talk about the thousand other scandals and corrupt things that could end her campaign? Google "Hillary Scandals". Just do it. I just don't understand how someone like that got where she is today. It's a disgrace.

Edit: I would likely still would vote for Bernie if he gets the nomination over Trump. I like both. They're both revolutionary candidates, in my opinion.

Trump appears to be the real deal. Because he is a state's man. Because he never even wanted to be a politician. Because if you watch every interview he's appeared on over the last 25 years, his message has been consistent-- That the USA is being exploited and laughed at all around the world. That it is truly unbelievable what is happening. That none of our "leaders" are doing anything about it. That our country is in serious trouble. Most convicting, that our leaders are all in on it. Who else in history has had the guts to really take on the corrupt United States establishment to this degree? Yes, Bernie is taking on Wall Street, and I would still vote for him. I still #FeelTheBern. But Trump's message has simply transfixed me over the last few days.

The media loves to pick on him. They love to take the things he says out of context, or only show the first half of his sentences, before he gets to make his point. We have ridiculously effective filter bubbles on our social media. You see what Google's servers think that you want to see. The algorithm decides what news you will get. Once you start to look past the filter bubbles, and make that algorithm think you are interested in other viewpoints, suddenly you will begin to see an entirely different world! That is what's happened to me lately.

I wondered why CNN was giving Trump so much press, considering they are a liberal media company. Well, it's because they were taking great pains to make Trump look bad. To stop his momentum at any cost and ensure the presidency to Crooked Hillary, who owns them. Even Trump himself has acknowledged that Bernie Sanders, whom I still love by the way, has been stonewalled. "Sanders wins, Sanders wins, the last six primaries, Sanders wins, yet what does the media say? Hillary is winning? It's all a lie." That's what he said.

How about drug policy? If you believe that the war on drugs is stupid, than take a closer look at Trump. His proposal is to legalize all drugs, tax them, and use the profits to educated the public about the risks of using drugs. That is the most sensible drug policy I have ever heard.

So let's talk about the controversial things he's said, like immigration. When Trump called for a total cessation on Muslim immigration, you probably did not here the other half of the sentence, which was "until we figure out just what the hell is going on". Fair enough, because there is something really fishy going on with this "war on terrorism". Let me be clear-- I do not think this is a good idea. In my eyes, people are people are people, and Americans must not discriminate. However, there is so much controversy surrounding the San Bernardino shootings, the September 11th attacks, and even recent attacks like Paris have left many questions unanswered. Sure, you can't get away with discriminating against an entire religion of people in this country. But I will give him the benefit of the doubt here and say this-- There is something totally insane going on here, and we need to take care of ourselves first. It's only logical. Every other country seems to do it but us. So I understand his frustration. I am hoping he changes his mind on this one.

Okay, so than there is that giant wall thing... Yes, it's ridiculous. I can't advocate for that, because walls not only keep people out, they also keep people in. I don't want to live in East Berlin. But the thing is that we have a very slow, very gridlocked government, and it would take a hell of a lot of negotiations to make that happen. Besides, he is going to have to tone this wall thing down a bit at some point, because America is very diverse, and Mexico is never going to pay for it. But you can't deny that there is a serious problem with immigration. I don't know if there is any solution to it, and maybe it's better left as it is. But there's something there. The allegations and concerns are valid. Trump's wife legally immigrated to this country. Trump has said that he would love to have Oprah Winfrey as his running mate! So, do you still think he's a racist?

Another thing that has people terrified of a Trump presidency is a fear of fascism, because he is, after all, another billionaire. Would Trump blur the lines between business and state? Would he use his power to advantage his own business? Maybe, but that's not why he's doing this. Update: It's 2019 and it's clear that Trump was certainly in this for the money... primary motivation? Not sure. But certainly a major motivation for running. This election is costing him a fortune, and he reiterated over the years that he really enjoyed what he was already doing, and would much prefer to stay out of politics. Him and Bernie are the first candidates I can remember to not take donations from controlling interest groups (with perhaps the notable exception of Ron Paul). Why else would he do this if he was just in it for the money? He's had many wealthy entities approach him and try to donate to his campaign, and he's turned them down. He is self funding his campaign so that his interests do not conflict with ours. It's legit.

It comes down to this. When I look at Hillary, I see a total phony. She has never accomplished anything of note in all her years as a senator, or as first lady. She points to her scandal-ridden time in the white house as her main qualification for her candidacy.  If I was not such a Bernie fan, I'd love to see that debate. He would rip her apart! Really, what is she going to say when Trump starts hammering her about any of the three-dozen or so scandals she has been caught in over the years (Whitewater, PardonGate, EmailGate, Benghazi, not to mention she's under two current federal indictments that I know of)? I do not see a leader, I see a career criminal, and a compulsive liar that would be going into office already owing favors to Big Corporate and Big Military [industrial complex entities]. The best debate would be Hillary in '08 vs Hillary in '12 vs Hillary in '16... She's full of shit, folks! Admit it!

When I look through the media smokescreen, and really analyze Donald Trump's motives for running, I see a man that is passionate about saving his country from a staggering group of incompetent, greedy, corrupt, bought-paid-and-owned group of elites. I see a genuine person. A real person. Ever since 2012, I have been aching to see a real person run for president. Someone who is not a neocon. Finally, we have someone fighting for us. So he's not perfect. So what? Who is? Not you, not I, not even Bernie (although I admire him very much), but certainty not Hillary Clinton. It's never going to happen, Hillary. Not on our watch.

Thus, I now support Donald Trump. My heart i still with Bernie, but if he does not get the nomination, I will vote for Trump. Fortunately, I am an independent registered voter, so I have the "privilege" of voting for whoever I like in November (but not in the primaries. Yes, it is true-- The system is rigged). A vote for Trump (and to a degree, Bernie) is a vote against the establishment that keeps us scratching our heads in disbelief while dragging an ever-heavier ball and chain.

It's true. We don't win anymore. I can't believe I am saying this, but you know what? It really is time to make America great again.

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