Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Annoyed at The State of the World

Part I: Hypocrisy, Gas Lighting, and Distraction

I am so frustrated with the state of the world. It is time for us all of to take a step back. This post is going to infuriate lots of people. This is also going to awaken some people. Others may agree with me, but have been too afraid to say anything because of the way society has been conditioned to react. Oh well. It is long past time that we have this discussion. I am so tired of the age of sycophancy. – 

"Stop, hey, what's the sound, everybody look what's going down" – The TLDR is this: [ Society is being blinded from far more pressing issues by redundant nonsense. Did everyone suddenly forget that we are not supposed to congregating, for our own sake? What did we learn from Covid-19? What is the only good thing to emerge from that mess: The world awoke and realized that it is a national security threat for 80% of our medical supplies and virtually all of our personal protective equipment and other (not limited to but including) medical machinery, such as ventilators, to be manufactured by the hostile regime known as the Chinese Communist Party. And now that has all been forgotten because of Derek Fucking Chauvin. ]

As I was saying, only in the age of sycophancy could anyone get away with domestic conquer like we have seen in Seattle – I am referring to the illegal occupancy of a portion of an American city by radicals that call their new country the “Capital Hill Autonomous Free Zone” – as if they represent the Hong Kong of the West. I’ve news for you: nobody elected those people. What occurred there is undeniably anarchy. It does not matter how morally correct, or by who’s standards, the occupiers are – their very presence is technically an act of domestic war. The first amendment, with it’s long history of legal contest, does not, and will never grant domestic occupation of any piece of this country, for any reason the right to… I am going to stop right here, because this is all just a red herring! It is a joke! Wake up: This was permitted. Do you really think the Seattle police were outgunned by a bunch of college-aged punks? Dear chaz: go home. While you can. You are just a tool, whether you know it or not. I shift my focus back to the United States of America:

I have a message for the news organizations: Do your jobs. I have a message for everyone listening to them: You are being played for a fool, and let me tell you why. All of you reporters and journalists that continue to report on nothing but the BLM protests – you are missing the real stories. Not to mention, at what point did the Democratic party decide that anarchy is permissible in a functioning society? (A clever person could say “when they started the KKK”, but that’d be silly...) What did BLM want? Justice for George Floyd? All four of the cops were charged with murder! What else do you want? The abolition of slavery? The end of segregation? Equal opportunity in America? You already have that. What else do you want? Yes, there are remnants of systemic racism in our society, and I am sorry to break it you – there always will be. People judge. They always have, and always will. I am not saying it is wrong to protest and press for change – I am saying that you have made your point, it has been received QUITE well, and at this point you are discrediting yourselves. It is not that your point is wrong, is it the WAY in which some of you protest that is wrong.

Only in a post-covid world could this ever occur. If even half of the so-called protesters had jobs, then the so-called protests would cease to exist. This is absolutely pathetic, and makes me embarrassed to be an American. While I was trying to be as apolitical as possible, I can’t help but add that this is just one of the negative effects that socialism has on society.

Although I am empathetic with anyone whom is oppressed by the police, I also tend to believe that this movement actually will make things worse by stirring up racial tensions, and therefore degrading race relations. What the hell is that anyway? I don't think of myself of a white person. I don't think of my black friends as black people. I see them all as people and myself as a person … It's redundant to keep this up at this point. All four of the police officers involved have been charged with murder, so would you all please go home now? America, and the free world, for that matter, has far more important things to deal with… I am getting to that part soon...

Stop ripping up statues. I don't particularly like Antifa, or anyone who engages in this type of vandalism and destruction of property because I don't like people going around and destroying whatever they decide that they don't like. If that's the way society operated then Larry Flynt would have spent his life in prison and we will not have Hustler Magazine today. Hell, by that measure, the Beatles never would have gotten “I Want to Hold Your Hand” on the radio. It is not okay to go around and destroy things simply because they offend you. Something that offends you may be something that brings great joy to me. Perhaps I hate rap music, perhaps you are gay. Maybe Stephen doesn’t like strawberries, and Adam vomits when he sees John shagging Jay… Blah blah, blah blah, look the other fucking way … 

It is your opinion, and that is all, that you wanted some statue removed. I do not know if that was the majority opinion. Perhaps we should have put it to a vote. In November. Like you know, the way democracy is supposed to work? That said … 

What else is going on that the media is failing to report ? Well, one of the most important things is this: What is the one thing that we learned from this pandemic? What is the one good thing that happened because of this tragedy? I'll tell you: the world finally woke up to the fact that we all need to stop being dependent on the Chinese Communist Party. It is a national security threat to have them manufacturing 80% of our pharmaceutical drugs and virtually all of our medical equipment and personal protective equipment. 

For a minute there, that's what the entire world was talking about. Well, not anymore. Now it's all about this one poor dude that died because of a psychopath cop. Do you know how many people died because we could not manufacturer medical equipment / PPE fast enough, and because China, strangely enough, had been hoarding PPE for months before December 2019…? I don’t know, but it’s surely a number larger than one. 

Now I would like to remain as apolitical as possible, but I must point out: Who is the presidential candidate that ran on and has actually been addressing the problem with China? And who is the candidate with deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party? For all the less than complimentary things that Trump is, he is the anti-CPP candidate. He started the process of eliminating our dependence on a regime that has openly declared many times that the United States of America is it's #1 enemy... By the way, this has nothing to do with you Chinese people, whom are our friends. We both share a common enemy: The Chinese Communist Party. Joe Biden sold his soul to that devil a long time ago.
Most of you probably dislike Biden, yet most of you probably hate Trump more , but think about what I'm saying. I can't obviously prove the BLM movement is being used as a distraction from bigger problems, but if you do you research you shall conclude that Biden is absolutely the pro Chinese Communist Party choice for America. He's spent 20 years helping them destroy our economy and invade our culture.

My point is, i feel like this is a distraction. I can't prove it. Yet. But I feel strongly that these riots, and protests are being used a red herring – it’s not that they’re wrong, well yes the way that some of these people “protest” is indeed wrong – anarchy is not protected by the first amendment – but the point is that we have bigger fish to fry. 

I'm not the only one saying this. But not many people will not go here because society is conditioned to scream “FASCIST”, “RACIST”, “How dare you suggest that Black Lives Matter could be being used as a political pawn”… Fuck that. I suggest it. I strongly suspect it to be so. Have you even heard about Obamagate? Or Hillary Clinton being forced to testify at last for that email scandal? Likely not. All you have been hearing about is Floyd & Chaz. It is so time to move on. 

I don't care what color you are. You should not be okay with our nation being dependent on a regime that actually has concentration camps full of Muslims, Christians, and other “prisoners of conscience”, and is engaged in forced organ harvesting... These are facts, look it up. The world is FULL of problems. The tunnel vision of the American media right now is dangerous. The selfishness of the media that gives the limelight to be mob is despicable. The actions of the anarchists in Seattle are unmistakably criminal. Just as the use of force against George Floyd was excessive. We get it. Enough is enough.

To the protesters I ask kindly; for the sake of the future of our nation, please find something else to do. You have made good progress. But let's be real. Do you *really* think the world can function without due process of law? Oh, I get it -- you don't literally mean 'defund the police' -- so why don't you SAY THAT? At this point ... what are trying to to accomplish? You got what you wanted. You got everything you asked for and more. If you really care about America, if you really want to bring about positive change, if you really care about race relations, then go find a better way to make use of this idol time. There are so many problems that you could try to fix. Have you noticed that practically everyone is on your side? What else do you want? You have already won. At this point it is straight up redundant, in my honest opinion. 

Not to mention that BLM, is at least partially funded by a superpac that gives 100's of millions of dollars to DNC candidates. The movement, sadly, has been hijacked and now the narrative is starting to look like it is controlled the deep state. These things seldom 'just happen'. Did you know that Occupy Wall St was started by the FBI? Sabu, the traitorous infamous member of Anonymous, had been a confidential informant working with the FBI for three days before he sent out the initial tweet that started the Occupy movement. It took years for this information to surface, and I expect that will likely be the case here.

Not to mention -- I am confused -- So, It was wrong, it was selfish to protest this economic shutdown, because it endangered the lives of others, but it is PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE for your to protest some other cause? The first amendment does not say "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, so long as the media agrees with the demonstrators." Give me a break. I see through your hypocrisy. Do you? Have you any clue what a double standard that message sends?

To the people that cannot think about anything else, I implore you to turn off the TV and do some good old fashioned research and soul searching. And to the media that won’t stop covering this endless parade, I ask .. I ask you to do your jobs. To those of you who say 'oh who made you the chief of police'?, I say this -- nobody. I am just exercising, lawfully, my first amendment rights. Peace be with all of you. God bless America (Actually, I am an atheist. But it has a nice ring). Humanity is better than this! I do not mean to offend anyone. I do not mean to undermine the fact that there is systemic racism in our society. I just think feel like there's a lot more to this story. Goodnight.

Stay tuned for Part II: how the tragedy of the pandemic was abused to take away your freedoms.