Thursday, April 21, 2016

Is This What Revolution Looks Like?

This election has me positively on the edge of my seat. I can't believe this shit, it is absolutely horrifying how entertaining it is! I am very torn with the situation. There is one good and many deadly possible scenarios to consider. On one hand, you've got Donald Trump, and his scene, which is in many ways is the declaration of total war against the establishment we all hate (as white middle class Americans, anyway). He has completely destroyed the republican party, and yet, he still  keeps winning. Every stupid thing he says makes him more popular. It blows my mind, and sometimes I can't peel myself off the floor. I have to admit, I admire that about Trump. You want to believe that he really wants the best for us all, and just needs to get the masses on board, so he has to touch on all of things that piss everyone off, no matter how shocking or horrible those things may be.

Now he has put the Republican party in a really interesting position. It's likely that he will be the Republican nominee. There's just no stopping this guy. It's like he's agreed with some or many little things that piss off many different demographics, and because he's the only guy that will at acknowledge just how fucked up things are, we're almost willing to accept the insane things that he says as well. He has insinuated that if he gets the popular vote, and does not get the nomination, than there may be riots, or a total popular uprising (although he says he doesn't endorse that). The republicans are fully aware of this, and have  acknowledged the situation is really bad for them, and they're stuck with it. You are all well aware of Trump, I am sure. I don't need to say much more.

On the other hand, you've got Hillary Clinton, aka, the Snake. A total viscous power crazed woman that will destroy whatever is in her path, much like the Underwood's in House of Cards, the Clinton's are the evil machine that is currently polluting Democracy. She think's she is qualified to be president because of her scandalous time as first lady. They bet it all on her, and she will lie, cheat, and do whatever it takes to win. But remember, it was "her time" in 2008, when Obama was chosen by voters and super-delegates alike instead. She is the Democratic reincarnation of George W Bush foreign policy. A war mongering, three-faced psychopath under investigation by the FBI. Lovely, isn't it? She's actually been under investigation many, many times over the years, but hey, we're American. We don't remember shit. Fuck man, this is when I wonder if I'd rather have Trump. Seriously, she is exactly what we as a nation have been saying we're sick of for decades now. Someone who already owes favors to controlling interests and isn't even in the fracking white house yet. But she's going to be "the first woman president" omg! Excuse me, but what the fuck does that even mean? Who would be proud of that? #NeverHillary ..  God fucking help us. (Also see: Anonymous's Message to Hillary)

BUT ... there is Bernie Sanders! You know, the guy that keeps winning yet the media has been totally fucking over on a regular basis and everyone knows it! He's a legit dude, I love him. He's so inspiring. Restoring my faith in American politics... as close as possible, anyways. Him and Ron Paul are the only politicians I've ever liked, and I am not alone here, not one bit. He's the guy we want. I just wish he'd gone harden on Hillary. There is so much that he could use to destroy her. Just watch this or this, and than retrospect on the 90's.

If Bernie can't beat Hillary, we're fucked. Not only are we stuck with at least 4 more years of total bullshit, the same old policies of entering more wars, exploiting third world countries, and lies and lies, and more lies and bullshit and lies, but it's going to be even worse with her. She has a truly horrible record. She has no notable accomplishments. She will contribute nothing. "What difference does it make, they're dead!" ...  And I bet Bernie or Trump would beat her next time in any case, I would say I can guarantee you that, but I am not Trump so I will leave that to him. I have to hand it to the guy, and yes, damn it, I know. I know. BUT, you can't tell me that he has not set forth a full force revolution, for better or for worse. Dude. Things are never ever going to be the same in America after this spectacle. I just don't fucking know anymore. But I do know this-- Either I vote for Bernie, or I say fuck it, let's take a chance and risk letting Trump burn it all to the ground. If that sounds radical to you, than you don't know enough about Hillary's criminal career. She wants to take all of our guns away, quite literally. Bernie, on the other hand, comes from Vermont, a state where anyone can open carry, and consequently a state with low crime. She only seeks to further the interests of Wall St. How do people not see through this?

Bernie represents the first potential president with a clean record since Roosevelt. Clinton represents everything that is wrong with our country. I am not sure what Trump represents, but I'd rather have an ignorant, bigotish, honest, loudmouth than the career criminal, Hillary. So it comes down to this. Bernie supporters should not endorse Clinton if he looses the nomination. You think Obama was corrupt? You ain't seen nothing yet.

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