Thursday, April 21, 2016

Bernie or Bernie

Edit: I encourage anyone and everyone to watch this video before voting for Hillary. It exposes many facts that show what she really represents.

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate that will ever get my vote, and I will tell you why. For the first time in my life, a presidential candidate is actually restoring my faith in our political system. Bernie's success is proof that it is possible for someone outside of the establishment, that actually represents the will of the people, to run for president with success.

Bernie is someone that clearly and legitimately cares about the people he wants to represent. Bernie is the only candidate I can remember (except perhaps Ron Paul) that has not taken financial contributions from so called "special interest" groups like Wall Street. Funded mainly by contributions from individuals, he is a true man of the people. For sixteen years, Bernie served as an Independent in senate, with no ties any political party. It would be so refreshing to see someone in office that puts the people before the "party" (or gang, as Jesse Ventura puts it).

Bernie is also one of  very few politicians that opposed the Patriot Act from the start. He also has always opposed the Transpacific Partnership Agreement, which Hillary initially supported! His track record shows that he is someone that will do the right thing when the pressure is on, even if it is the unpopular thing at the time. He is also completely opposed to fracking, which is proof that he is not owned by the fossil fuel industries. He acknowledges what our scientists are telling us about climate change, and has the balls to do something about it.

He has always fought for the middle class, minority populations, and has stood up for civil rights, even when it was unpopular. In the 90's he voted against much of the discriminating legislation that the Clintons supported. He does not only understand and acknowledge the issues we face, he actually has a record of acting on them. The American people desperately need a president like that. Sanders is brewing a revolution by inspiring young people to participate in the political process, many of whom had otherwise given up on working within the system. And he did all of that, in America, after declaring himself a socialist. There is definitely something special about this guy.

On the other hand, we have Secretary of Sate Hillary Clinton, who is blatantly owned by Big Money interests, and won't even deny it. The fact that she refuses to release the transcripts of the speeches she gave to those guys for large sums of money after the housing crisis of '08 is proof that she represents their interests, and not ours. Seriously, how can someone claim to be a propontent of change when they accept giant contributions from the very people causing the problems we currently face? If the content of those transcripts would show otherwise, than why not release them and prove Bernie wrong? The answer is obvious-- because the outrage the contents of those transcripts would produce would ensure the Democratic nomination to Bernie. It's much easier for her to divert the question by telling us "Well, you can go to my website and see my tax returns!!" It's pathetic. She also seems to copy all of Bernie's positions, like opposing the TPP, or raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. She's a flake.

Hillary is part of the same establishment that has failed us as a country for decades. She supported all of our worst war policies, and loves to praise president Obama, probably because she doesn't have many notable accomplishments of her own. Isn't it time we elect someone new? Are you not fed up with the failure and lies of our current leaders? Are we as a nation not fed up with how untrustworthy the establishment is? Is it not way past the time to pass the torch to someone else? Someone with new ideas? I believe the majority of Americans actually think that it is that time. Yet, we are being misrepresented. Our voice is being twisted. The press is painting a false portrait that over estimates Hillary's support, while failing to acknowledge Bernie's.

If that's not enough, she can always use her connections to rig the primaries, nullify hundreds of thousands of votes that should go to Bernie, and than even if Bernie does win a state, she need not worry about that hurting her chances. The mainstream media will simply deny that Sanders is winning and say "Despite big wins by Sanders, Clinton is actually winning." Well you know what? Fuck you Big Media, we have the internet on our side, and we won't be fooled anymore. Have you noticed that every time there is some "abnormally" with the voting process, it is always in Hillary's favor?

Oh right, than there's the super-delegates. She didn't need to "get them early", they were already hers. Do you know what these so-called super-delegates are? Wikipedia sums it up nicely:

For Democrats, super-delegates fall into three categories based on other positions they hold, and are formally described (in Rule 9.A) as "unpledged party leader and elected official delegates"[4] (unpledged PLEO delegates) consisting of:
  • elected members of the Democratic National Committee
  • distinguished party leaders, consisting of current and former presidents, vice presidents, congressional leaders, and DNC chairs
  • sitting Democratic governors and members of Congress.
For Republicans, there are three delegates in each state, consisting of the state chairman and two RNC committee members, who are automatic delegates the national convention. However, according to the RNC communications director Sean Spicer, convention rules obligate these RNC members to vote according to the result of primary elections held in their states, if the state holds a primary.

"Unpledged delegates exist really to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don't have to be in a position where they are running against grass-roots activists. We are, as a Democratic Party, really highlight and emphasize inclusiveness and diversity at our convention, and so we want to give every opportunity to grass-roots activists and diverse committed Democrats to be able to participate, attend and be a delegate at the convention. And so we separate out those unpledged delegates to make sure that there isn't competition between them." -- Debbie Wasserman Schultz

In other words, the super-delegates are there to make sure that the Democrats in power continue to stay in power. In the event that the people want to elect someone from outside of the establishment, the super-delegates are there to bring the odds in their favor. Basically, these "extra" delegates are people whom possess votes 10,000 times more powerful than ours, and they are not people that we elected to represent us. Another point worth mentioning is that the super delegate votes are not supposed to be relevant until after the primaries. Yet, in every delegate chart published, those delegates in included. This is an old card that the media is currently playing to create the illusion that Hillary is undoubtedly the front runner, will get the nomination, and that there is nothing you can do about it.

Take Colorado, for example. Sanders won 39 delegates, compared to Clinton's 27, yet because of the 12 super-delegates, who's vote, by the way, are not even supposed to be a factor until after the primary... the delegates will be split even amongst them. If this is not voter fraud, than what is? That kind of scandal goes against everything democracy stands for. Even Trump recently recognized this! These people are not accountable to anyone. (Want to know who they are?)

Did I mention that nobody even likes Hillary? Watch the Michigan and New York debates closely. It's obvious that the crowds love Bernie, and it's obvious that Hillary is grasping straws. Every point she makes against Bernie is desperate nonsense, particularly her attempts to paint Bernie as an obstacle to gun control because he voted against the absurd Brady Bill, which would have made it possible to hold gun manufacturers liable for the crimes the person that pulls the trigger commits. That'd be like me suing Heinz if someone smashed a jar of pickles over my head.

At least Jeb Bush had the decency to recognize that  our country was interested in a third Bush presidency, respect that, and step aside. She is a last resort candidate, and the only reason anyone is going to vote for her is to stop Donald Trump. If the Democratic party wants to do that, than perhaps they ought to look at the poll data that makes it clear that a Sanders vs Trump election has a much more promising outcome than a Clinton vs Trump election does. If you don't believe that, just take a look at the comments all over the internet, which are filled with people saying "Bernie or Trump", or "Never Hillary".

Trump is certainty a fairly detestable human being, yet his campaign has been an interesting phenomenon because it's more proof that it is possible for someone from outside the establishment to run for president successfully. This is unprecedented stuff. It's very unfortunate that he's such an idiot, because like Bernie, he has raised much awareness about the large injustices occurring in our country because of our rigged, broken political system. Don't get me wrong, I do not support Trump. But at least he tries to be honest, which is more than I can say for Hillary Clinton. However, for obvious reasons, I cannot support a Trump presidency. But I'll tell you this... Hillary will not get my vote. I am sick of having to choose the lesser of two evils. Like Jerry Garcia said, in those circumstances, you're still choosing evil.

So where do we go from here? First of all, don't be fooled by the mainstream media's over-exageration of Hillary winning New York. They are not telling you how close it was, or that Bernie still walked away with over 100 delegates from New York. There are still 1,668 democratic delegates up for grabs. If Sanders can win California, he could get the nomination. But if that is going to happen, we all need to pull together, go out and vote for Bernie, and support him in any way we can. I am not financially well off at all, but I still contributed $10 to Bernie's campaign yesterday. Sure, that's not much, but if we all do that, than it will go a long way. This is a very important election. Much is at stake. Trump must not be allowed to win. Hillary must be defeated. The only choice is Bernie. If not Bernie, than Bernie. I am not giving up. Remember, Obama only won one county in New York in 2008, and he managed to win. Bernie won almost all of them. If we are going to beat these bastards, we need to pull together now. Bernie or Bernie.

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