Wednesday, July 20, 2016

USA SOL As Usual - Fuck Trump & Clinton

Trump totally sold out to the far right. From his religious pandering to his terrible choice of running mate, it's clear that Trump was lying every time he ever said that his campaign was about taking on the establishment. Considering this, it's not hard to imagine that he was never serious about taking on money in politics either. But mostly, I can't support Trump because the Republican convention was so sickening. Watching those paranoid, miserable lunatics rant on and on about terrorism and "pro-life" policy made me remember why Obama was elected over Romney-- because allowing those people back into power would set us back decades environmentally, socially, and economically.

Maybe if Trump had picked a more moderate VP instead a far-right establishment Republican insider than he'd still hold some appeal. But can you imagine what would happen if Trump got impeached or assassinated, resulting in a Pence presidency? That would be a fucking nightmare.

Perhaps if he had at least acknowledged that we are in an environmental crisis, or had not switched his position on woman's rights, just perhaps he would be a viable candidate.

Maybe if the only insane things he had said were that we need to build a wall, ban all Muslims, and punish woman for abortions, just maybe he could deflected those particular things and still had been taken seriously.

Most sickening are his statements about "bringing back torture, even if it doesn't work". Trump, did you seriously say that and expect it not to cost you votes? The thing is folks, I don't believe that Trump is serious about winning. He is either playing the Republicans or playing us. Maybe both. I don't know.

Don't think for a second that this means I would ever vote for Hillary Clinton, however. I can't even believe that she is still running. The woman could not pass a simple background check. She is, all for intended purpouses, a closet Republican, and certainty is every bit as much of a neocon as say, Henry Kissinger or George Bush.

So, what choice does that leave us? There are two third party candidates, Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party, and Jill Stein, of the Green Party. Johnson will be on the ballet in all fifty states, while Stein only twenty-three. I'll likely be voting for one of them, unless Bernie Sanders makes some kind of stellar comeback.