Monday, August 10, 2015

Building a Badass Tower Part II : On Second Thought...

It turns out that open source Nvidia drivers are still actually not stable enough to rely on, or at least for certain GPU's. Although my card runs much cooler with the noveau driver, I started getting those random freezes again. With disappointment, I had to revert back to the proprietary Nvidia drivers. However, this time I used the xorg edgers repository, which seems to be, at least a little more stable.

On another disappointing note, I've been reminded of why I hate AMD processors again... Lately, I've been having this strange problem with my USB 3 ports. Sometimes, for no logical reason that I can find, the USB 3 controller just stops working. When that happens, sometimes it also crashes the entire system with it, and other times not. The only way I know to fix it is to shut down the system, turn it off, unplug everything, press the power button long enough to discharge the capacitors, and than reboot. After doing all of that, my USB 3 ports magically work again.

I am sure that there is a way to fix these problems, but honestly I am tired of trying to do so. This is why I prefer Intel chipsets: because they just work, no matter what. That is the definition of stability in my book. So whenever I burn out or outgrow this motherboard, I will most certainty purchase an Intel chipset next time.

In the meantime, if anyone else running an AMD 3+ board has experienced these issues and could shed some light here and tell me what to do to fix this USB 3 port problem, that'd be swell. Other than that, I am really enjoying this system. The computing power is beyond awesome, there's just a couple annoying glitches I need to work out.

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